Dynamic View:


Twitter 關注地圖 / The Google Map of Your Twitter Followers

你想知道 Twitter 關注你的人在世界上哪些角落? 讓 TweepsMap show 給你看!圖上可切換顯示國家、州(省)城市位置及統計列表。

Have you ever wondered where your Twitter followers live? Wonder no more - let TweepsMap provide you with the answer.

There are a number of applications that use Google Maps to show you the locations of your Twitter followers. TweetsMaps however can show you the percentage of users you have in different countries. It even allows you to drill down and see how many followers you have in each state and in each city.

TweetsMap also allows you to view the data in list form and in a pie chart.

via The Google Map of Your Twitter Followers
