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NHK「天空地圖」系統使用在311大海嘯之後 / NHK Skymap Aerial Mapping System Used After 3/11 Tsunami in Japan


去年NHK開發的「天空地圖」系統,除傳送即時空拍影像外,另傳送直升機上GPS位置、攝影機放大倍率及鏡頭方向等資料 ,結合擴增實境 (Augmented Reality, AR) 技術、透過電腦套疊地圖資料,產生如 Google Earth 標記方式,於即時影像上顯示地名、車站、建物等名稱及符號。對於如日本311大海嘯後地表面目全非,在報導、調查上很方便標示出關係位置,該技術即使在夜間也很能清楚標定。(如下圖及短片)

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NHK Skymap Aerial Mapping System Used After 3/11 Tsunami in Japan

Skymap, developed by NHK last year, superimposes map data, such as district, station and building names on aerial pictures taken from a helicopter in real time.

NHK currently uses this system to give instructions to news helicopters, and it was used in the aftermath of the tsunami last year to guide helicopter pilots around areas left visually unidentifiable.
震災後の位置確認に活用 - 生の空撮映像に地図データを重ねるランドマーク・スーパー



via: DigInfo TV

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