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Google Maps Mania: Measuring 10.6 on the Twitter Scale

美國維吉尼亞州發生5.8級強震, Twitter 訊息傳播的驚人速率、密度及範圍與地震P波幾乎一樣! 按播放鈕可於 Google Maps 上觀看實際 Twitter 傳播情形(80秒動畫)!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Measuring 10.6 on the Twitter Scale
Last week's Virginia earthquake may only have measured 5.8 on the Moment magnitude scale but it measured a whopping 10.6 on the Twitter scale.

This Twitter Quake Map shows the astonishing rate and spread of Twitter messages about the quake in the 8o seconds after it hit. As the map animates through the 80 seconds, the location and density of the Tweets radiate out from Virginia, almost exactly like the shock or P waves of the quake itself.

Via: @andreitr 


3D GIS in the Cloud - 3D City city planning, infrastructures and cadastral information

3D GIS in the Cloud - 3D City city planning, infrastructures and cadastral information