Dynamic View:


福布斯-土壤 Phobos Grunt (Фобос-Грунт) - Real Time Tracking

Click image or URL to see Phobos Grunt current predictions - position : 

Google Sat Track (GST)
Visual SAT-Flare Tracker Online

Phobos-Grunt probe reentry scheduled for January 15

via: GoogleSatTrack (GST)Visual SAT-Flare Tracker OnlinePhobos-Grunt probe reentry scheduled for January 15俄羅斯失敗之火星任務Phobos-Grunt太空船預定於1月16日重返地球大氣


用照片獲取3D模型 / Turn photos into 3D models with Autodesk 123D Catch

Autodesk 123D Catch 將普通照片利用雲端計算轉化成詳細的3D模型,為免費的試用版軟件。

Autodesk 123D Catch Turn ordinary photos into extraordinary 3D models with Autodesk® 123D™ Catch. Take photos of your favorite people, places and things and let the power of the cloud magically transform them into detailed 3D models. 123D Catch is free beta software.

Related 相關:123D, 123D Play, 123D Make, 123D Sculpt .....
Download 下載:http://www.123dapp.com/


有趣的地圖投影性向測驗 / What your favorite Map Projection says about you?

via: xkcd


人口爆炸地圖 / Human Population Explosion on Google Maps (Earth)

你在世界人口扮演什麼樣的角色?於網站 互動資料:世界人口70億和你 輸入生日便得知。

Where do you fit into 7 billion? Enter your date of birth to find out: The world at seven billion

Download National Geographic's 7 Billion iPad app. FREE – Limited Time!

National Geographic : 7 Billion is a BIG Number

7 Billion People: How will we Sustain a More Populated Planet? 
Using Landsat data can help us track trends in key resources

via: NPR RadioNational GeographicThematic Mapping Engine7 Billion ActionsCBS News, USGS聯合報


Google地圖-即時衛星影像(預測版) / Google Maps Real-Time Satellite View

Gidi Vigo 利用Flash做了一個有趣的預測版 Google 地圖-即時衛星影像(如果會上線的話),請點擊以下圖片來體驗一下。

Gidi Vigo has created a fun little Flash movie that previews what Google Maps live satellite view will look like. Click on the picture to view animation.

Moving Maps

Google Earth live?

via: Google Maps Real-Time Satellite ViewMoving MapsGoogle Earth live?


臺灣觀光影片景點地圖 / Google Maps - Taiwan’s Scenic Spots Map

臺灣觀光影片景點地圖  The Tourism Bureau’s Film about Taiwan’s Scenic Spots: “Time for Taiwan – My Beautiful Island” 

交通部觀光局於今年夏天推出“Time for Taiwan—My Beautiful Island”(旅遊臺灣就是現在—我的美麗之島)首部電影宣傳短片觀光局特別結合Google Map的地圖標記功能,把影片中曾出現的場景於地圖上作標示(網址為http://g.co/maps/gg8ys),讓喜歡臺灣的網友們能夠親自造訪影片中出現的美麗風景,以及街頭巷尾中展現臺灣生命力的人物,跟著影片旅行臺灣,用心感受臺灣的美好!

”Time for Taiwan – My Beautiful Island” is a popular film made by the Tourism Bureau to promote Taiwan’s scenic attractions. Since the film’s release, many fans have inquired about the locations where the film was shot. To help interested viewers find the scenic spots featured in the film, we have listed them below and have included their Google maps (URL http://g.co/maps/gg8ys).
Read more ...

via: Taiwan-The Heart of Asia中華民國交通部觀光局


Celebrates THREE MILLION downloads - AutoCAD WS Comes to Amazon

THREE MILLION downloads of AutoCAD WS for iOS and Android in a little over a year since the app was first released.

A new outlet where Android users can find and download AutoCAD WS – the Amazon Appstore. Currently the Amazon Appstore is only available to people located in the United States.

via: AutoCAD WS Comes to Amazon