Dynamic View:


Google地圖 - 你可以到達多遠的地方? / How far can you get with Google Maps?

Isochrone 地圖可讓你設定在一個時間內從某地點以何種交通工具(開車、單車、步行)的條件下,告訴你可以到達多遠的地方?

ex: From Taipei 101 on foot in 20 min.

Isochrone maps show you how far you can travel from a given location in a set time. The Isochronous Application uses Google Maps to help you work out how far you can travel from any location in any amount of time.

The application allows users to select a location, a time and the mode of transport (car, on foot or by bike). The map then displays a polygon on the map showing where you could travel in the defined time.

Also See

  • Walk Score - how far you can travel on foot in a given time
  • Create an Isochrone Map - a tutorial on how to create your own isochrone map with Google Maps
  • Mapnificent - how far you can travel with public transport in a given time
via:  How far can you get with Google Maps?
